It is no longer merely what happens in your immediate surroundings that affects your life. Many movements that take place in the far reaches of space define the world today. The billions of connections that exist between complex satellite systems have immediate social, political, and economic impacts and directly influence humanity’s ability to rise to the challenges of 21st-century life and emotion.
December 7, 2016
Satellites are a very important tool in the contemporary world. You would be surprise to see to what extent they enable us to communicate, monitor, control, research, and analyze the various risks associated with the multitude of scenarios present in a given journey.
To understand more and to share with you some of the benefits that satellites offer humanity, I met for a coffee with Mr. Philippe Boissat, President and Founder of 3i3s (International Independent Institutions for Space & Satellite Solutions), and asked him to explain satellite applications and how 3i3s has contributed to bringing together multinational companies, researchers, astronauts, Cosmonautes, operators, and academics. I was specifically interested in how satellite technologies can improve humanitarian actions and be of benefit to our societies.
Every year, people throughout the world fall victim of earthquakes, storms, floods, and other cataclysms. When any emergency forces arrive on the scene, they are typically greeted by a chaotic environment in which it is really easy to lose track of where people are and what they are doing. In these situations, it can be very challenging to identify how best to deploy the resources that are available. Having a robust and reliable satellite-supported information system available on site can help the military, humanitarian, and other volunteers to handle the situation much more efficiently and safely.
People in Africa, Kenya, and Tanzania have significantly benefited from telemedicine, which uses satellite applications to connect doctors and specialists from France with remote patients. These systems allow medical experts to provide real-time assistance through which they diagnose and treat patients in inaccessible or too risky locations for humanitarian workers to access.
The use of satellite applications in hospitals to treat children with leukemia has allowed those affected to access help and medication without being completely removed from their everyday lives. Allowing the affected children to receive treatment while also continuing their daily routine and attending school as much as possible enhances the results of any medical intervention and equips sufferers with a positive attitude that facilitates their fight against disease.
Through NGOs in Amazonia, satellite applications can help to go beyond cultural barriers and geographical boundaries to deliver education to indigenous populations.
For many years, the aerospace and automobile industries have played a very important role in humanitarian projects through sharing their technologies and products for utilization in research initiatives and saving lives via humanitarian efforts. They have improved the working conditions for humanitarians and allowed them to access more efficient tools, information, and assistance to enhance the effectiveness of their efforts.
Satellites can help workers to monitor the heat produced by cities, track deforestation, manage traffic flows, and evaluate environmental safety and stability. Gaining a much better understanding of the impact and development of environmental concerns will allow humanitarians to enhance the efficiency of their efforts in the future.
Satellite applications empower new ways of developing intelligent solutions that facilitate innovation, improve everyday life, increase the effectiveness of health interventions, promote business, prevent disasters, enhance research, and develop new technologies. They also play an incredibly important role in helping authorities and companies to work together to identify sustainable methods by which they can collaborate to enhance the effectiveness of humanitarian efforts.
Ana Paula Araujo MendesPhilippe Boissat, President and Founder of 3i3s
Philippe is passionate about the aeronautical, space and defense universe. Airplane pilot and engineer in telecommunications, he spent several years working for the Aerospace, with an intense and successful experience management (sales, contract management, human resources management, business development, and marketing strategies) in the field of space, aerospace and telecommunications activities and in companies of integration systems and consulting, and this in a international environment with a strong multicultural presence.
The International Independent Institute for Space and Satellite Solutions is an international non-profit institution dedicated to space applications satellites. More than 1,500 members: researchers, astronauts, Cosmonautes, astronauts, industry, SSP, operators, etc., to the end user..The Association has the following objectives:- Network: Promoting space applications during events - Education: Promotion of satellites in high schools applications (telemedicine, satellite Internet ...) - Humanitarian: Facilitator with NGOs for the provision of satellite technologies for the benefit of humanitarian and social projects in partnership with sponsors.
Mrs. Léa Seguier, Director of Communication & Mrs. Astrid de VANNOISE
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